It's easy! You just click a link and view a website for 30 seconds to earn HOW YOU CAN EARN MONEY THRU 1.
money. You can earn more referring friends. You'll get paid up to $0.015 for each website you view and up to $0.01 for each
website your referrals view. Payment requests can be made every day and will be quickly processed through alertpay &
Register at and put me: swap1234 as your refferer
2. When you are done with the registration, log in your account then click on the surf tab.
3.Click on the first ads link inside the table..
4. A new
window will appear. you will see a timer at the upper part of the new window and 4 codes at the right.
6. When 30 seconds is done.. it will
show a similar code like one of the 4 codes at the right.
7. Click the number that will match
on the number that is shown.
8. When you see a check mark, you got paid for viewing that ad.
9. Exit the window with a check mark and repeat the same steps on the next ad.
When you have click all the ads. Your job is done for the day! That easy!